Kentucky Lawrenceburg Christian Academy Of Lawrenceburg

Christian Academy Of Lawrenceburg

1631 US 127 Bypass South
Lawrenceburg, KY - 40342


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About Christian Academy Of Lawrenceburg

Financial Information
The Christian Academy of Lawrenceburg has recently partnered with the leading tuition management service in the nation. FACTS currently serve more than 4,000 schools and nearly one million families. For more information about FACTS you may review their web site at

Tuition Payment Options for 2011-2012 include:
Full payment of tuition - if paid in full by August 1, a 4% lump sum payment discount is applied.
Automatic monthly payment through the FACTS Payment Plan. Payments are made over a 12-month period beginning July 1st or a 10-month period beginning August 1st.
Tuition payments are non-refundable.
When a student is enrolled in CAL, a place is reserved for the entire school year. The school makes an annual commitment to provide school resources, so an annual commitment is required of the family.
We offer, through FACTS, two different payment dates (5th and 20th) for tuition payments. Tuition is considered late if you miss your scheduled withdrawal. Bank fees and late fees will be assessed according to bank and FACTS policy. If the account becomes delinquent, report cards will be held and the child may be withheld from class until arrangements are made. Parents whose tuition accounts are delinquent will not be able to re-enroll their children without satisfying previous debts. Payments must then be kept current in order for their child to remain on a class list. The Christian Academy of Lawrenceburg utilizes a third party, comprehensive account management system for delinquent accounts.
Board Approved Tuition Policy: Tuition and other fees are necessary in order for the Christian Academy of Lawrenceburg to successfully fulfill its mission. Families are asked to meet financial obligations in accordance with the standards of biblical stewardship.

CAL observes the following tuition policy:
The enrollment fee and instructional fees are non-refundable.
The re-enrollment fee is non-refundable unless for any reason we do not re-admit your student. ï‚· Withdrawals after June 1 but prior to the start of school are subject to the following financial obligation: (a) After June 1 - three-months tuition due (b) After July 1 - five-months tuition due ï‚· One year's tuition is due if a student withdraws after the beginning of the school year because the hiring of teachers and staff and the ordering of textbooks and other classroom materials are based upon anticipated enrollment. Student records will not be release until the account is paid in full. Parents will be expected to honor their full year's commitment to the school.
Requests for exceptions must be addressed to the Board in writing, and will be considered only in extreme circumstances.
Tuition that becomes two months past due will subject the student to being withheld from attending school until such amounts due to CAL are made current.
Enrollment Fee: $150.00 for new students (per family) or $50.00 for students re-enrolling (per family). Please make payment in the CAL office.
Instructional Fee: The school requires a non-refundable instructional fee per student to complete the enrollment process and reserve placement. If instructional fees are not paid by May 1st, a $25 late fee will be added. Please make payment in the CAL office.

Instructional Fees for the 2011-2012 school year:
Preschool (3 day) $50
Kindergarten $245
Grades 1st-8th $290
Grades 9th-12th $325

Tuition rates for the 2011-2012 school year:
M-W-F Preschool (8-11 am) $1,980.00
K-5th $4,740.00
6th-8th $4,860.00
9th-12th $5,100.00

Extended Care and After School Care Rates for 2011-2012
Tuesday & Thursday
Drop-in Rate: $30.00
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Weekly Rate: $50.00
Drop-in Rate: $20.00
Monday - Friday (3 day preschool)
Weekly Rate: $90.00 (Wrap Around)

After-School Care K-8
Monday - Friday
Weekly Rate:$50.00
Drop-in Rate: $18.00

Volunteer Agreement: Each CAL family (grades K-12) is expected to volunteer 20 hours a year to the operation of the school (10 hours per semester is preferred). Preschool parents will be expected to volunteer 10 hours a year (5 hours per semester is preferred). Hours must be reported and will be tracked.
Financial Aid Applications: (Grades K-12th) CAL awards limited need-based financial aid when scholarship funds are available (30 % maximum). Financial Aid may be discontinued because of failure to keep tuition payments current. Financial Aid may be revoked in light of serious disciplinary action for the student. Applications for financial aid should be completed by April 1st and can be accessed on line at The following information is required in order for FACTS to process your application:
Completed online application.
Payment of a $25 application fee to the CAL office.
Copies of your 2010 tax forms including all supporting tax schedules.
Copies of your 2010 W-2 form for both you and your spouse.
Copies of supporting documentation for Social Security Income, Welfare, Child Support, Food Stamps, Workers' Compensation, and TANF.
Special envelopes for all supporting documentation must be retrieved from the CAL office.
If you have questions or concerns about the application process, you may speak with a FACTS Customer Care Representative at 1-866-315-9262.
Mileage Bonus - Within the school calendar, a one time tuition credit is applied to families that travel roundtrip to the school according to the guidelines below. This bonus may be used in combination with other discounts and bonuses. Forms are available in the main office.
Less than 20 miles from the school: no discount
20-30 miles from the school: $100/family
31+ miles from the school $200/family
Referral Bonus - The New Student Referral Incentive Program awards a referring CAL family with a $100 tuition credit for each new student (K - 12th) that is referred to and actually enrolls at Christian Academy of Lawrenceburg. A $50 tuition credit will be given for each new preschool student that is referred to and actually enrolls at CAL.
This credit is applied upon enrollment of the said student into the CAL program and completion of the first day of school. If the recruited student withdraws from school, the credit may be reduced. This bonus may be used in conjunction with other discounts and bonuses. Forms are available in the main office.
Ministry Discount - A tuition discount is offered to full-time and part-time ministry positions, which include Senior Minister, Associate Minister, Worship Leader, or Youth/Children Minister. The CAL Board reserves the right to evaluate the applicability of the ministry discount to each candidate. Tuition rates include a 25% discount for part-time ministry workers (15 to 24 hours a week of ministry work) and a 50% discount for full-time (25 or more hours a week of ministry work). This discount cannot be used in combination with an employee or sibling discount. Forms are available in the main office.
Sibling Discount - A sibling discount of 25% will be applied for the second child and 50% for the third child and subsequent children. The discount is taken from the youngest sibling(s). This discount cannot be used in combination with an employee or ministry discount.
We will need the following information turned in with this enrollment packet for all new students. If you are re-enrolling your child please verify that all records are current with the school office.
Copy of Parent/Guardian(s) Driver License
Copy of Birth Certificate
Copy of Social Security Card
Copy of Insurance Card
Copy of Current Kentucky Immunization Record
Eye Exam (school entry)
Dental Exam (school entry)
All students must have a school entry physical exam. Please note students entering the 6th grade must have a 6th grade school entry physical exam.
Sports Physical for any student planning on playing on school team

Affiiation: Christian (no specific denomination)
Grades Prekindergarten - 12
Number of students: 152
Number of teachers: 19
Financial aid: none available

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