Washington Pasco

Pasco, Washington
School Tuitions

We have listed all of the School Tuitions that we have located in Pasco, Washington below.

The average tuition in Pasco, Washington for k-12 schools is $1,614 according to the data available on SchoolTuitions.org.

School Tuitions in Pasco

Kingspoint Christian School

7900 W Court Street
Pasco, WA - 99301


Tri-Cities Prep

9612 Saint Thomas Drive
Pasco, WA - 99301


Country Haven Academy

510 Country Haven Loop
Pasco, WA - 99301


Riverview Baptist Christian School

4921 W Wernett Road
Pasco, WA - 99301


St. Patrick's Catholic School

1016 N 14th Avenue
Pasco, WA - 99301


Tri-city Junior Academy

4115 W Henry Street
Pasco, WA - 99301


Emmanuel Baptist Day Care

1116 North 20th Avenue
Pasco, WA - 99301


*user contributed(unverified)

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