Ohio Garfield Heights

Garfield Heights, Ohio
School Tuitions

We have listed all of the School Tuitions that we have located in Garfield Heights, Ohio below.

The average tuition in Garfield Heights, Ohio for k-12 schools is $813 according to the data available on SchoolTuitions.org.

School Tuitions in Garfield Heights

Archbishop Lyke-st Timothy Campus

4351 E 131st Street
Garfield Heights, OH - 44105


Ss Peter & Paul School

4740 Turney Road
Garfield Heights, OH - 44125


St. John Lutheran School

11333 Granger Road
Garfield Heights, OH - 44125


St. Monica School

13633 Rockside Road
Garfield Heights, OH - 44125


St. Therese School

10608 Penfield Avenue
Garfield Heights, OH - 44125


*user contributed(unverified)

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