Nebraska Grand Island

Grand Island, Nebraska
School Tuitions

We have listed all of the School Tuitions that we have located in Grand Island, Nebraska below.

The average tuition in Grand Island, Nebraska for k-12 schools is $1,074 according to the data available on

School Tuitions in Grand Island

Grand Island Christian School

1804 State Street
Grand Island, NE - 68803


Grand Island Central Catholic Schools

1200 Ruby Avenue
Grand Island, NE - 68803


Christ Lutheran School

1316 N Grand Island Avenue
Grand Island, NE - 68803


Grand Island SDA School

636 S Shady Bend Road
Grand Island, NE - 68801


Trinity Lutheran School

208 W 13th Street
Grand Island, NE - 68801


Heartland Lutheran High School

3900 W Husker Highway
Grand Island, NE - 68803


*user contributed(unverified)