New Mexico

New Mexico
School Tuitions lists tuition costs and fees for private schools K-12. Below is a list of the cities in New Mexico we have tuitions for.
If you know of any schools we are missing, please help us by adding a listing.

School Tuitions by City

Latest School Tuitions Added

New Mexico Academy For Sci

7300 Old Santa Fe Trail
Santa Fe, NM - 87505


Christian Heritage Academy

2800 Louisiana Blvd Ne
Albuquerque, NM - 87110


Mission Lutheran Preschool

2752 N Roadrunner Pkwy
Las Cruces, NM - 88011


Salam Academy

3939 San Pedro Drive Ne Bldg E
Albuquerque, NM - 87110


St. Francis Of Assisi School

Hc 71 Box 26
Lumberton, NM - 87528


St. Francis of Assisi School

215 W Wilson Avenue
Gallup, NM - 87301


Liberty Ranch School

Highway 55 And Bluegrass Road
Estancia, NM - 87016


Christ The King Lutheran School

700 Camelot Blvd Sw
Los Lunas, NM - 87031


Legacy Christian Academy

1206 Greenwood Lane
Alamogordo, NM - 88310


Clovis Christian School

PO Box 608
Clovis, NM - 88102
