Michigan Sturgis

Sturgis, Michigan
School Tuitions

We have listed all of the School Tuitions that we have located in Sturgis, Michigan below.

The average tuition in Sturgis, Michigan for k-12 schools is $664 according to the data available on SchoolTuitions.org.

School Tuitions in Sturgis

St. John Lutheran School

1108 E Lafayette Street
Sturgis, MI - 49091


Trinity Lutheran School

406 S Lakeview St
Sturgis, MI - 49091


Holy Angels Catholic School

306 S Nottawa Street
Sturgis, MI - 49091


Lake Area Christian School

63590 Borgert Road
Sturgis, MI - 49091


New Dawn School

67138 Shimmel Rd
Sturgis, MI - 49091


Sturgis Christian School

70031 S Lakeview Street
Sturgis, MI - 49091


Heartwood Renaissance Academy

705 E West Street
Sturgis, MI - 49091


*user contributed(unverified)

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